Superman catches an old woman falling. She wraps her arms around Superman's thick neck, can get close to hero's powerful body as planned... Taking this opportunity, she brings out a white ball and eggs to Superman's mighty muscular chest!

The ball crashes, stuffing black substance sticks to "S" emblem covering diesel pectoral of the Man of Steel.

The gungy dark liquid spreads almost all of his costume, it coats even Superman's bare skin, face and hands. The old woman was a disguise of Misa, she dashes gunge called Solar Leech to Superman's body which sucks and prevents sunlight and energy of yellow sun.

The gunky liquid can absorb the energy even pooled in the body of the Man of Steel. Drained by the dark substance, Superman can't keep flying, and crashes to the ground.

Without the energy from yellow sun, Superman barely bear his muscular body on his hands and knees. His face still covered with the black gunge, all Superman can do is to grovel unwieldily.

Powerless Man of Steel is at the mercy of his deadly foes, clobbered by Riots, blown by Barrage, and beaten by Maxima.

Covered by the gunge, Superman lays his well-muscled but emasculated body helplessly as fleshy punching bag besieged by villains, Superman Revenge Squad.