Captured Green Lantern finds himself in spread-eagled position with his powerless ring. Helpless hero can do nothing but expose his sculpted muscular body clad in his skin tight costume in front of evil villain, Desaad.

Although Green Lantern's costume is partly destroyed by savage torture, his heroic spirit is not humbled yet. But all he can do is to look at the powerless ring with his chagrined blue eyes.

By tenacious brutal torture of Desaad, once proud superhero is now in hideous. Most of his costume is tattered, his well built body for justice is mere a sitting duck for master torturer.

Green Lantern's naked throbbing flesh is tainted by soot and blood, he lays helplessly on the torture rack at the mercy of the tormentor. Our hero, Green Lantern, is in the worst mental and physical predicament.