The gentleman of crime is of excellent taste. He relishes a plate of oysters, also enjoys a sight in front of him as another appetizer.
The Batman is spread-eagled position above a pack of hungry savage sea lions in a pool. Only single slight suffering of Batman can amuse Penguin hugely. What a sophisticated taste he has!
Oh my I love this scene!! Love seeing Batman hanging spread-eagled face down like that....Batman had gotta feel helpless in that position!!! I'd like to know what comic Issue this scene is from?? Plz let us know..comiclvr...thx
This is a collection of pictures of defeated helpless superheroes in comics. Isn't it exciting to see the cliff-hanger situation of superheroes in peril ?
Oh my I love this scene!! Love seeing Batman hanging spread-eagled face down like that....Batman had gotta feel helpless in that position!!! I'd like to know what comic Issue this scene is from?? Plz let us know..comiclvr...thx