Spider-man is captured by villainess. He is chained and hanged upside down from a ceiling.

:: Spoiler warning ::
This Spider-man is not true Spidey. Kraven captures Peter's roommate who is assumed as true identity of Spider-man, and forces him to wear Spidey's costume. Then she releases him in a NYC sewer and enjoy hunting for Spider-man.
What is interesting is Kraven wants to beat Spidey in his costume. She realises that the costume itself is the proof of superhero.
I love the idea of Spidey being chained and hung upside down unable to move...blood will be rushing to his head making him unable to think straight...leading to possible imaginations or worse!
ReplyDeleteDo you know what issue # and series this might be? I will be looking for this to buy. I love it when Spiderman is chained up and restrained like this! Very hot!! I would like to see more of the great Spiderman brought to his knees!!
ReplyDeleteHi, I think I have figured out that "Kraven's First Hunt Part 1" is Amazing Spiderman Issue #565. The story I think continues into #566 and concludes in Part 3 #567 with both Daredevil and Spidey hanging in chains on the cover! Hope this is correct.
ReplyDeleteHi comiclvr,
ReplyDeleteThat's correct!