
under the green radiation

Under the radiation of the deadly kryptonite, Superman suffers in pain with his muscular forearms and lower legs manacled solidly on the metallic chair. The villain grabs Superman's hair to show his triumph.
Helpless Man of Steel has one hope to be rescued by Justice League. However, his only hope is destroyed when he sees his fellow Justice Leagers, Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, captured.
Punched by the victorious villain, weakened superhero bends his neck down on the chair.
Green kryptonite illuminates every square inch of superman's muscular but now limp body to keep him weakened and suffer.


  1. turn his invulnerable costume to green kryptonite that would be cool. He would be weakened forever

  2. In the last scan in this blog entry, Supe's costume looks like a bit greenish like deadly kryptonite ;-)

  3. that would be cool if it turned to kryptonite

  4. hey bad ends please contact me
